Make it easy for your guests to get in touch with different parts of the hotel using SuitePad. Whether they need to reach the front desk, other rooms, or specific extensions, guests can reach most parts of the hotel with just a few taps.
Most guests use their mobile phones nowadays, but providing external calling can be helpful and meet higher standards. When connected to a hotel’s SIP-enabled phone system, SuitePads work just as well for external calls.
Offering your guests to make emergency calls to local authorities via a set device in your hotel room is important to reassure your guests of their safety. This complies with safety and security standards and ensures peace of mind.
If your hotel already has a SIP-enabled phone system, SuitePad can easily connect the tablets to it. If you don't have a SIP-enabled phone system and don’t want to get one for now, SuitePad provides an add-on cloud solution exclusively for its tablets, for a flat monthly fee.
No setup costs and no need for extra hardware
Internal and external phone calls depending on your phone system
Connecting your existing phone system to SuitePad in-room tablets
If your phone system is not yet SIP-enabled, we can help you find a suitable solution
Cloud-based for easy setup
Separate hardware phone connects the front desk to tablets
Internal-only calls with emergency call feature
Works independently from your existing hotel phone system
Die Distribution gastrelevanter Auskünfte und Angebote hat sich mit SuitePad komplett verändert. Anstatt ganze Gästemappen neu zu drucken und zu verteilen, können wir mit zwei Klicks alles anpassen. Das ist eine große Erleichterung und dem Personal bleibt mehr Zeit für komplexe Anliegen oder persönlichen Austausch.Art Deco Hotel Montana
Im Sinne unserer Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie haben wir eine digitale Lösung für die Gästeinformation im Zimmer gesucht und nun mit SuitePad einen kompetenten Partner an unserer Seite. Das aufwändige Aktualisieren der Gästemappe im Zimmer gehört der Vergangenheit an.Hotel Belvedere Grindelwald
Simon Wälti, Direktionsassistent