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With SuitePad, you can convince meeting and event planners to go the extra mile

Information at a Glance

Business event organizers can use SuitePad to provide information to guests directly in their rooms or in the event spaces. This includes schedules, participant lists, sponsors and a personal welcome from the organizers, among other things. Changes to the schedule could be communicated to all participants through push notifications.

MICE Agencies Integration

Content from MICE service providers, such as videos or feedback tools, may be easily connected on the tablet for event evaluation. As a result, the conference organizer has the chance to collect feedback from participants directly in the hotel and they can respond to it the following day.

Comfort for Business Travelers

Provide your business guests with the convenience of a tablet for internet browsing, media consumption, room service ordering and access to hotel service information, even in the comfort of their own hotel room.
Hans-Jürgen Wenzel, hotel director of the Fora Hotel in Germany


Hans-Jürgen Wenzel, Hotel Director
"As a business and conference hotel, but also as a hotel hosting city tourists, we have the duty to tell all of our guests digitally about our best offers in Hannover, our schedules, the weather, and other hotel services. The traditional paper guest directory is no longer up to date for our modern rooms. SuitePad supports us in being a modern host."


Julia Schliemann, Sales and Marketing Manager
"As an independent private hotel, MADISON places the highest value on quality and personal service. In today's digitized world, it is crucial for us as a host to maintain communication with our guests during their stay. SuitePad provides us with the ideal option to stay in touch even in the hotel room. With this approach, we can provide information to our guests simply and quickly while still remaining available all the time."

SuitePad - the pinnacle of experience for business and conference travelers

Get to know more about SuitePad and learn how you and your guests can benefit from the digital guest directory. We will be happy to advise you.