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Berlin, Germany — September 30th, 2024

SuitePad announces the launch of Stay Manager, an innovative feature designed to help hotels personalise guest stays. The Stay Manager centralizes various guest preferences, making it easier for both guests and hotels to manage stay-related details. It supports the hotel staff with the check-in process by allowing guests to select their choices and plan their stay in detail on the in-room tablet. This way, guests are integrated into the hotel's digital processes, which reduces human error. 

Stay Manager Mock-Up_non brand

For hotel chains, the Stay Manager offers significant advantages, enabling consistent and efficient guest communication across multiple hotel properties. Centralised control allows hotel groups to provide uniform, personalized services while reducing manual labor for staff. This system not only reduces workload but also improves operational efficiency by automating routine guest interactions.


How does the Stay Manager work? This interactive workflow is shown on the in-room tablet screen when the guest uses the tablet for the first time during their stay. Guests are asked about their preferences, such as room cleaning options, breakfast bookings, or Carbon offsetting options via pop-ups on the tablet. 


By integrating SuitePad with the hotel’s Property Management System (PMS), the Stay Manager can automatically retrieve guest data like checkout dates, reducing manual input and ensuring a smoother guest experience. The feature automates many standard and repetitive guest interactions, freeing hotel staff to take care of their guests on a deeper and more individual level.


Steps like Breakfast Upsell allow guests to conveniently pre-order meals from their in-room tablets, increasing food and beverage revenue without requiring extra effort from the staff.

Additionally, guests can make eco-conscious decisions through features like the Green Option, allowing them to skip daily room cleaning, or the Carbon Offset option, which lets them offset their environmental footprint with a single tap.

About SuitePad

SuitePad stands as the leading provider of in-room tablets in the hotel industry. This award-winning solution combines a digital guest directory, booking tool, hotel phone, remote control, and various other functionalities into a single device. With over 1,000 clients worldwide, SuitePad transforms guest communication, boosts revenue, and streamlines operations.

Image Copyright: SuitePad