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Berlin, Germany — August 27, 2024

SuitePad announces the launch of the "Guest Journey Push" feature, now available on the SuitePad admin panel. This new feature enables hotels to automatically provide timely and relevant information, offers, and updates tailored to specific guest profiles via their SuitePads.This feature is a significant improvement to the way in which hotels can communicate with their guests.

Push messages can be sent to the installed SuitePads at any time, either to all guests or to specific groups based on Property Management System (PMS) data like check-in/check-out date or rate code. Guests are notified of new messages when their tablet lights up, and they can access the messages later via an envelope icon in the upper right corner of the tablet. 

Guest Journey Push (3)If a hotel group has multiple hotels equipped with SuitePad, the push message can also be sent across the group's hotels. This makes the choice of in-room tablets from SuitePad even more beneficial for hotel chains, as promotions and information can also be managed and sent centrally and across hotels.

With the “Guest Journey Push”, hotels can connect more effectively with their guests, delivering relevant content to the target audience. Whether welcoming guests, promoting special offers, or informing them of upcoming events, push notifications allow targeted and impactful communication to drive engagement and increase sales.

By leveraging guest data, hotels can create unique, engaging interactions tailored to each individual, optimising communication and improving overall guest satisfaction across properties. Whether guiding guests to explore amenities, book spa appointments, or discover local attractions, the Guest Journey Push ensures that guests are always connected to what the hotel offers.

To use the Guest Journey Push, hotels need a PMS integration. For those without current integrations, SuitePad’s support team is ready to assist in setting up the necessary systems.

About SuitePad

SuitePad stands as the leading provider of in-room tablets in the hotel industry. This award-winning solution combines a digital guest directory, booking tool, hotel phone, remote control, and various other functionalities into a single device. With over 1,000 clients worldwide, SuitePad transforms guest communication, boosts revenue, and streamlines operations.

Image Copyright: SuitePad