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Berlin, Germany — November 15, 2023

SuitePad, the leading provider of in-room tablets in the hotel industry, announces the launch of its Performance Model today, redefining hotel technology financing. This innovative pricing concept enables hotels with 40 or more rooms to start their digital transformation without the usual challenges of an initial investment. Instead, the model is based on a fee that depends on the hotel's success and is directly tied to its operating profit.

tablet graphic image with information textUnlike the Standard Model, the Performance Model bears no one-time hardware expenses, installation costs, or monthly software subscription fees. SuitePad charges its customers only when they see concrete and measurable financial benefits, such as cost savings from canceled room cleanings or additional revenue from breakfast bookings made directly via in-room tablets. 

"We have given a lot of thought to how we can convince hotels that using our devices is so lucrative that the initial investment is justified,” says Moritz von Petersdorff-Campen, Co-Founder and CEO of SuitePad. “In the end, it became crystal clear to us: if we genuinely believe in our product, we must take the initiative and shoulder any financial risks on behalf of our customers.”  

To illustrate this, here's an example: A hotel with 200 rooms previously had to pay a one-time hardware fee of €169 per in-room tablet; this means over €30,000 worth of upfront investment. With the Performance Model, SuitePad now completely covers these costs.

By doing so, the company emphasizes its determination to promote not only its own success but also the success of its customers. "The Performance Model is our commitment to trust in our own product and its benefits. From now on, we only earn money when the added value for our customers is even greater than ours," says von Petersdorff-Campen.


For more information about SuitePad, the new Performance Model, and the existing Standard Model, please visit our pricing page. 

About SuitePad

SuitePad stands as the leading provider of in-room tablets in the hotel industry. This award-winning solution combines a digital guest directory, booking tool, hotel phone, remote control, and various other functionalities into a single device. With over 1,000 clients worldwide, SuitePad is transforming guest communication, boosting revenue, and streamlining operations.

Image Copyright: SuitePad