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Our Pricing Models at a Glance

Every hotel is unique. We tailor our prices to fit your needs.


Fixed monthly payments.

With our subscription model, you can manage the budget for your SuitePad solution with stable costs.
Hardware fee of €169 per device
One-time installation fee
Monthly subscription fee 
Choose from all available features



Perfect for hotels with
40+ rooms and chains.


Pay only when you benefit.

Payments occur only when SuitePads in-room tablets increase your revenue or reduce costs.

Design ohne Titel (3)

No hardware costs
Design ohne Titel (3)
No installation fee
Design ohne Titel (3)
No monthly subscription fee
Choose from all available features
Pre-defined profit sharing on bookings via SuitePad (e.g. skipped room cleanings or breakfast upsell)
Option to set a cost cap


» More Info about our performance-based pricing


BYOD inclusive
SuitePad's digital guest directory on guests' own devices.
Included in the SuitePad in-room tablet package at no extra cost
Available as a standalone solution upon request
LOBBY SCREEN exclusive
SuitePad's digital guest directory on a touch screen.
Available in the SuitePad in-room tablet package for an additional fee
Available as a standalone solution upon request


We offer two pricing models: "Standard" and "Performance". Our standard model includes one-time charges for hardware and installation, along with a monthly subscription fee based on your number of rooms and in-room tablet features. With the performance option, there are no initial hardware, installation, or monthly subscription fees. You can start using SuitePad without any upfront investment, and you'll only pay when your guests and your hotel benefit from the tablets - e.g. cost savings from canceled room cleanings or additional revenue from breakfast bookings. The specific terms are customized to your needs and objectives, and we're here to help you with expert advice.

Your choice between our models should be fully aligned with your specific needs and goals. If you prefer stable and predictable costs, then the "Standard Model" is the ideal choice. On the other hand, if your hotel has 40 rooms or more and you intend to actively use SuitePad to increase revenue or save costs, the "Performance Model" stands out as a more attractive option. Here, you can start without any initial costs and only pay when there is a proven financial benefit. We are here to assist you in making the right decision that best suits your hotel's individual circumstances.

Yes, in the "Performance Model," the initial expenses for hardware and installation are waived. You'll only be charged when your guests actively use the tablets, leading to either increased revenue or reduced costs. This means that financial commitments only arise when you are also deriving financial benefits from our service. The exact terms of the profit-sharing agreement are customized in advance to ensure they align perfectly with your specific needs and goals.

We are aware that hoteliers are currently facing significant challenges due to the aftermath of the pandemic, labor shortages, and rising energy costs. In response, we've introduced the "Performance Model" to make implementing our solution as straightforward as possible. Successful pilot projects with some of our clients have confirmed that the "Performance Model" creates a win-win situation for both the hotel and our company.

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